Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Second Round of Design Prints

We received a call from our architect today. She has the revised first floor and new second floor drawings ready. Here they are... (Click them for a larger view)

Bottom floor. Nothing really new here, just some refinements.

UPSTAIRS! More comments to come.

A slice of our new house. Notice the shed dormers on both sides!

Front. Julia added some details, like the lovely flowers.

We're totally stoked! The upstairs design has a large room with a bathroom, an office space over the kitchen, and a surprise second room! That was completely unexpected. Now all we have to do is figure out what we're going to do with all of this space.

1 comment:

mlclinton said...

Dang it!!! I wrote this nice long message and it took it away because I wasn't signed up...@#$#^!!!
Anyway...we both really LOVE the design! We would way..Go for it!
I would assume that Alexander has already laid claim to the upstairs room. If not.. he will soon.
And I guarantee you that you will figure out what to do with the extra room!!!!!!!!!!!!
What she has done with the front of the house is great! Really add class to the place! And the flowers out front........words just don't portray the wondrous beauty.
I did try to call yo back Sunday. check your messages. I will call this weekend so we can talk. Love you all.

Mom and Dad